Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 20-24 . . . the last full week of school.

Periods 1-4-5 will watch a video about the history of the telescope. Periods 3 and 6 (honors) will do an activity called "The Shape of Planetary Orbits". Honors students, if you were gone be sure to go to this website and spend some time trying all of the features.

Periods 1-4-5 will take notes as Benson explains several general astronomy topics. Periods 3 and 6 will watch a video about the history of the telescope. If you were gone, be sure to check out this interactive visual, which was created by two 14-year old boys in 2012, and watch this 3-minute video.

Periods 1-4-5 will start a star classification activity. Periods 3 and 6 will take notes as Benson explains several general astronomy topics.

Periods 1-4-5 will finish the star classification activity. Periods 3 and 6 will go over Kepler's Laws and then begin the star classification activity.

Periods 1-4-5 will begin watching the movie "Contact". Periods 3 and 6 will finish the star classification activity.

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