Friday, January 23, 2015

January 26-30: The new semester begins.

Students will take notes (on handout) as Benson explains basic concepts related to volcanism. Attention honors students: MESPOWs this week are #6 and #80.

We will review the different types of volcanic activity and then students will be given time to start the assignment (WS: Intro to Volcanism). Attention honors students: Benson will also explain the "science circus project" to you. A handout for the project is available HERE.

Students will do a lab - "What happened at Lake Nyos?"

We will watch a video - "Mystery of the Meagavolcano". If you were gone, be sure to watch it HERE.

Benson will explain various hazards associated with volcanoes as students take notes.

Question(s) of the week: What are the three basic types of volcanic activity? Provide an example of each.

Interactive: Three Types of Volcanism
What happened at Lake Nyos?

Video of the Week

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