Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 14-18

NOTE: The monthly optional "replacement assignment" is available here. Your score on this will replace your lowest non-test score so far. Also, if you weren't here to do the epicenter location activities on Thursday (or if you just want a better grade on that), do this Virtual Earthquake Activity. Simply print out your certificate when finished, and give it to Benson by Wednesday.

Honors students: The handouts for your projects and papers can be found here.

Period 1-3-4 students will take notes on a handout (Earthquake Hazards). Honors students will go over the Dating Deep Blood Kettles WS, the Carbon Cycle Activity, and talk about the projects (or papers), which are due on Friday.

Periods 1, 3, 4 will watch a video called "Ultimate Tsunami". Periods 6 and 7 will take notes on a handout (Earthquake Hazards).

Periods 1, 3, 4 will take notes as they learn about Montana Earthquakes. If you were gone, get a copy of the handout, copy the notes, and carefully read each of the links below that are marked with an asterisk(*). Periods 6 and 7 will watch "Ultimate Tsunami".

Periods 1, 3, 4 will review for the test. Periods 5 and 7 will take notes on a handout (Montana Earthquakes). If you were gone, get a copy of the handout, copy the notes, and carefully read each of the links below that are marked with an asterisk(*).

Periods 1, 3, 4 will take a test and then read text pages 171-180. Periods 6 and 7 will review for the test and then set up for Science Circus.

Alaska Earthquake Video
Tsunami Animation
Tsunami Demonstration (Oregon State Lab)
Impressive Video of 2004 Tsunami
Animation of 2004 Tsunami
Tsunami Tutorial Video
*Montana's Greatest Earthquake Disaster
*Earthquake Destroys Helena High in 1935
Photos of Damage from the 1935 Helena Earthquakes
*Helena Has Its Faults
Major Quake Hits Japan
Japan's Earthquake Warning System Explained
Before and After Photos of Tsunami Damage in Japan
30-Foot Wall no Match for Tsunami

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